Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 65

hello my dearest family!
so this week was another great one. i will have lots of things to say! first of all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOTHER! i didnt send a happy birthday last week because i was hoping to use the computer during the week to send the bills to the secretary and wish you a happy birthday on the right day, but i didnt have to send the bills in the end. so to answer your question about the sports. i dont know why they banned them. it makes me sad :( i bet too many people were getting hurt or something. i can buy a sheet here, so dont worry about sending one, its just if i ever get the urge to spend money on something like that. it might take a while. i got the mansell's letters during the week! i thought they were so funny. i laughed my head off. i'm glad that tyler mansell has been liking my suit!  i also got a letter from grandma lambert and two MT.

this picture is me and elder spackman. he will go home in a week :( i will miss him ALOT

 so tuesday i started to do a division with the zone leader. i really liked working with him, his name is elder king. its cool because his sister is also serving a mission in salvador. it would have been the same situation as me and nat! tuesday was a good day because almost all of our plans worked out. also, we taught one lesson at night with the branch president and his wife. it was a spiritual lesson. we are trying to marry and reactivate a couple. on wednesday, we didnt have the same luck in the afternoon. everything fell through so we did contacts. it was fun because we were playing around alot while doing them. we went to the rich places where they have intercoms and whenever they would ask who was there, i would say elder lambert and they would get really confused. we tried to teach the plan of salvation to one lady entirely through the intercom :) at night we were able to contact some member references which was super good. on thursday, we were able to mark another baptismal date. also, me and elder king didnt have much luck at night,,,, and the next day, we had to be in teresina at 6 am, but there isnt a bus here in campo maior that leaves that early. so, we had to leave thursday night and sleep in teresina. the problem is that we taught until the last minute possible and had to rush to the bus station to get the last bus. the minute we left the last lesson, it started to rain SO hard! i have never seen so much rain and wind yet here in brasil. we were in the middle of nowhere sprinting down the highway :) we got to the bus station TOTALLY wet. there was not one dry part. we then had to travel to teresina soaking wet. the next day, we had the meeting with elder godoy!
my stuff didnt really dry all the way during the night. so i continued the next day with wet socks and shoes :)

we woke up early to get the stake center. we had a meeting early with just the leadership of the mission and elder godoy. it was really great to personally get to know an  apostle! the meeting was super cool and i learned lots of interesting things. after, we had the general meeting. it was way cool because it was almost all of the zones of the mission. there were 82 missionaries there. thats why i got to see elder benally and elder spackman. the general meeting was really good too. we got to learn lots of new tips. he is a really powerful man. another cool part was that we had a huge lunch at the end with everyone. elder godoy ate with me! 
when we returned at night, elder waltenberg and i gave a training to the leadership of the the young men. its really cool being able to help the church grow. the church is still new here more or less, so there is alot of stuff that they dont know. it was cool helping out with this. i have really loved working alot with the branch presidency.

saturday morning, we had a big young mens activity that we helped plan. we went to a little place that has a soccer field and a pool and a place to make food. we passed the morning watching the kids do all the fun stuff. it was cool because there were more investigators than members there! we will start to visit these people during the week. in the afternoon we helped out with a service project. we helped a couple start to build their house. we mostly watched while the others worked, there wasnt much work that lots of people could do. i made the cement for the people though! that is something that i have mastered here. 
sunday was a normal day of meetings. i really like meetings though. its fun to talk to all the people and make plans. 
im really sad because this is the last week of the transfer, i think i will be transfered :( i have 7 more days!
i love all of you and wish you all the best!

-Elder Lambert

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